Use case

Ministry of Culture and Communication

SKOS thesaurus PDF distribution

The French Ministry of Culture and Communication has embarked on a transition to the cultural web of data, and has set out its approach in the roadmap it has published. This roadmap comprises 9 actions, including the implementation of a mechanism for perennial identifiers for cultural resources, the interconnection of major cultural repositories (the "culture graph"), and the inter-institutional interconnection of data.

As part of this roadmap, and more specifically for its thesauri, the Ministry has developed a pair of open-source applications, Ginco and Ginco Diffusion. These respectively edit vocabularies (complying with the ISO-25964 standard) to produce SKOS files, and publish these SKOS files on the web, on the platform.

screenshot MCC

Our contribution to this project consisted in perfecting the open-source application SKOS Play (see also related blog posts) to publish professional-quality PDF versions of each thesaurus put online on the platform. We'll be looking in particular at the results for the thesaurus for designating architectural works, and that for movable objects. In collaboration with the [heritage inventory] teams(, we have integrated a design for alphabetical indexes, hierarchical views and translation tables, and generated permuted indexes from thesaurus terms. These developments are available in open-source for the community.

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